Trenderway Farm Terms and Conditions of Booking
1. Confirmation of Bookings
- A booking is only confirmed when we receive your booking form via post or email with the £20.00 deposit per person.
- Attendees will be over 18 years old only. Under 18s by prior arrangement only.
- When pre-ordering drinks, the Drinks Order form along with full payment must be received at least 5 working days before the event. The drinks order will only be processed when full payment is made.
- Un-used drinks token will be refunded, if returned within 14 days of the event.
- All wristband drink packages are non-refundable.
2. Payment & Charges
- Places can only be guaranteed with a deposit of £20.00 per person. The deposit in non-refundable and non-transferable upon cancellation or number reduction.
- Full payment will be required no later than six weeks before the event. Failure to pay within this time may result in cancellation of the booking and forfeiture of any deposit paid.
- If guest numbers should rise following this payment Trenderway Farm will try to accommodate the additional guests but this will be at their discretion.
- If numbers should reduce after full payment no refunds shall be made.
- The client agrees to pay all charges on the due date. If there are queries on any part of an invoice, the client will pay the undisputed balance of the sum owing on the date due and the remainder on the resolution of the query.
- All published ticket prices are inclusive of VAT.
- Bacs (Bank Transfer) payments are accepted. Please use your company name as a reference so we can identify your payment. If you can, please send remittance advices to
3. Clients use of the Premises
- The client and persons attending the function shall: Comply with all licensing, health & safety and other regulations relating to the premises : Not bring any dangerous or hazardous items onto the premises and to remove any such items promptly when requested to do so by a member of Trenderway staff : Not consume any food or drink on the premises not supplied by Trenderway without prior consent: Not act in any improper or disorderly manner, leave promptly at the appropriate time and comply with any reasonable request by Trenderway staff.
- Any person or item in breach of these conditions may be refused admission or be required to leave the premises.
4. Cancellation by Trenderway
- The company may cancel the booking under the following circumstances: If the premises or any part of it is unavailable due to circumstances outside if it’s control. In such an event, the company will refund any advance payment made but will have no further liability to the client.
5. Cancellation by the Client
- If the client wishes to cancel a confirmed booking, there will be no refund of any monies already paid.
- If a client cancels a confirmed event booking within 10 weeks of the event date, this invoice balance will be payable in its entirety and no reductions will apply.
- If a client cancels a confirmed booking, after a signed contract, booking form or booking amendment form has been received, this will result in a £20.00 cancellation charge.
6. General
- The client shall not be entitled to assign the booking to any third party nor utilise Trenderway facilities, other than for the purposes agreed.
- Whilst Trenderway has taken all reasonable steps to ensure that the information contained in it’s brochures, tariffs, leaflets and advertisements is accurate, it reserves the right to alter, substitute or withdraw any service, facility or amenity without notice if necessary.
- Written confirmation of the reservation shall be deemed to be acceptance of these conditions.