Our Ethos for Trenderway
We believe that Trenderway Farm is unique. We are located at the head of the Polperro Valley, only a short distance from Cornwall’s heritage coastline and the South Coast AONB, in the middle of 200 acres of traditional grassland farm. Only through responsible stewardship will our guests enjoy all that it has to offer for many years to come. We are also a working farm and our livelihood depends on our land and environment. We are passionate about our sustainable ethos and always strive to ensure our guests enjoy their holiday in the lap of both sustainable and responsible luxury. We recognise that achieving our Environmental, Sustainability and Social goals is a journey and make this commitment.
We comply with the legislative and regulatory obligations and duties of care covering our operations, requiring our employees and contractors to act in accordance with our environmental policies.
Our Staff
We ensure that our staff are aware of the potential environmental effects of their activities and therefore consult continuously to improve our working practices to minimise the impact on our environment.
Saving Energy
We ensure that all new capital investment projects, ongoing maintenance and renewal programs are managed in a way which incorporates assessment of every possible environmental impact and will take appropriate action to keep adverse impacts to an absolute minimum. Future capital expenditure will provide for the replacement of current equipment with more energy efficient alternatives, including heating and hot water boilers, roof insulation, lighting, refrigeration and catering equipment.
Carbon Footprint
We are committed to reducing our carbon footprint and will source 100% of our electricity from renewable sources. We use our own borehole powered by 100% Green. We have embarked on a program of tree planting and low input grassland management that will benefit the environment as Carbon sinks, further reducing our Carbon Footprint.
Water Conservation and Pollution Control
We take all reasonable measures to use water conservatively and will introduce pollution control measures to minimise run off and Nitrogen saturation. We take measures to ensure that where reasonably possible all cleaning, construction, maintenance and painting materials used at Trenderway are environmentally friendly and responsibly disposed of.
Flora and Fauna
We will manage Trenderway sustainably. We are committed to low impact farming with local breeds. Chemical based products, including fertilizers, are being phased out and will be replaced with organic alternatives, wherever possible. We will take action to increase the biodiversity of both the flora and fauna of the estate in harmony with the farming objectives.
Transport and Local Purchasing
We source local produce and local services wherever possible. Guests are encouraged to enjoy the extensive grounds of the farm and to leave their cars behind.
Waste Management and Recycling
Reduce waste from our activities wherever possible, and where we produce waste we will maximize the amount that is either reused or recycled. All green waste will be retained and composted onsite.
Local Community
We will act in a socially responsible and ethical manner in the conduct of our business. We will strive towards environmental best practice, supporting local charities, providing opportunity to our students at our local schools to get involved in the farm.